The SmarterCop - New!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008


"...a hypocrite is a person who puts on a false appearance of virtue -- who acts in contradiction to his or her stated beliefs or feelings. And that, it seems to me, is what we are doing now." - Bob Kerrey, Obama supporter, on Obama campaign.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008


I'm reminded of a post I wrote almost exactly 2 years ago when I considered the direction the Obamaphiles and mainstream media have been guiding us toward for the last year or so of the Democrat's campaign. Let's take a trip down memory lane for a few minutes, and recall some observations that I quickly see becoming disturbing realities of every day life.

The article is a thorough fisking of a U of Chicago professor who attempted to define liberalism in a positive way, only to reaffirm to me through his muddled doublespeak the oppressive, nanny-state attitude of liberal culture.

He wrote:
Liberals believe individuals should doubt their own truths and consider fairly and open-mindedly the truths of others.

I wrote:
Liberals, more often than not, prefer to squelch opinion deemed undesirable by them...Liberals frequently litigate and censor anything that opposes them.

Today: Complete control of the media is the name of the game for the Obama campaign. They're squarely in his corner, not even hiding anymore their contempt for opposing views. And now, with the risk of complete Democratic control of government, even alternative media, such as talk radio and the independent blogger are threatened by the monstrosity called the "Fairness" doctrine, which the liberals had tried to pass before to try and squelch conservative thought, but failed. No doubt they will try again, only this time they would have little to nothing in their destructive antiConstitutional path.

He wrote:
Liberals believe individuals should be tolerant and respectful of difference.

I wrote:
Again, liberals will freely tolerate anything they believe in. So what? The problem lies in the hidden meanings of 'equal rights' and 'civil rights'. To someone unfamiliar with the movements, it may sound like liberals uphold rights for all... when in fact they push for more than mere equality, but a special right for certain groups to be selected, recognized, and rewarded.

Today: Barack Obama epitomizes this attitude that somehow we have to repay for wrongs of the past, that somehow people far removed in history from the days of the Civil War have to perpetually feel sorry. It's an attitude where every single critical comment of Obama the man is denounced as racist. And when he says 'equal rights' you know that he's thinking of the word 'equal' as defined in 'Das Kapital'.

He wrote:
Liberals believe individuals have a right and a responsibility to participate in public debate. It is liberals who have championed and continue to champion expansion of the franchise; the elimination of obstacles to voting; "one person, one vote;" limits on partisan gerrymandering; campaign-finance reform; and a more vibrant freedom of speech.

I wrote:
Elimination of obstacles to voting means exactly what it implies - liberals take advantage of those who otherwise have no business and no Constitutional right to vote... On a side note, has anyone seen a more contradictory set of principles than 'campaign finance reform' and 'freedom of speech'?

Today: With the (tempered) exposure of ACORN as nothing more than a cover for rampant voter fraud, and the selective suppression of free speech, the liberals once again have made my words sound like fulfilled prophecy.

He wrote:
Liberals believe "we the people" are the governors and not the subjects of government...

I wrote:
If anything, liberals' strong desire to federally fund abortion has more to do with an overbearing, all-encompassing government than anything they accuse conservatives of coming up with.... not to mention other instances, of course, like FDA and EPA regulation, the Department of Education, et. al.

Today: These days, the Obama- and Democrat- led government intends to fulfill its strongest desire.... to live your life for you, make all your decisions, force so-called 'rights' at taxpayer expense, and become your all-around babysitter. Are you ready for nanny state governance?

He wrote:
Liberals believe government must respect and affirmatively safeguard the liberty, equality and dignity of each individual.

I wrote:
.. indeed, they support the rights of criminals, but what about the victims? They rail against prisons and the death penalty, but what about justice for the truly wronged?

Today: Surely there's going to be some positive payback to those felons who were allowed to vote this year? Additionally, I'm all for the 'positive' things being said by the left during this campaign.. you know, all the besmirching of character, ad homminem, invective, and outright lies... respect? dignity? Have a conversation with a typical left-winger and you'll be hard pressed to find any self-respect, let alone respect for others.

He wrote:
Liberals believe government has a fundamental responsibility to help those who are less fortunate.

I wrote:
For all this 'generosity', I find it ironic that time after time, states generally thought of as leaning liberal are found to be among the least charitable in the country, while those generally thought of as conservative lead the nation in charitable giving.

Today: That's right - liberals believe in giving, as long as it's to the babysitter... er, government. You won't find them in church, or giving much to charity (unless the charity is (cough cough) the Great One's campaign).

He wrote:
Liberals believe government should never act on the basis of sectarian faith.

I wrote:
Never act on the basis of sectarian faith' should never be 'prohibit all manner of sectarian faith in public places'. It's funny how liberals conveniently choose which rights to uphold and which ones to suppress.

Today: ...except, of course, if you take your advice and endorsements from people like Jeremiah Right and Louis Farrakhan.

He wrote:
Liberals believe courts have a special responsibility to protect individual liberties.

I wrote:
Freedom of religion? So I take it abolishing prayer and public religious displays doesn't count?

Today: Obama's stance on the Constitution is now becoming more broadly known. It can be summarized on two words: disregard, contempt.

He wrote:
Liberals believe government must protect the safety and security of the people, for without such protection liberalism is impossible.

I wrote:
"Hello, I'm the new sheriff in town, and I vow to do anything in my power to protect my people. Hold on for a second while I put these handcuffs on... I have to make this a fair fight, you know. Oh, and you can have my gun..."

Today: Safety and security... by disarming the people, and giving the government ultimate control of said security. Brilliant!

He wrote:
Liberals believe government must protect the safety and security of the people, without unnecessarily sacrificing constitutional values.

I wrote:
On the other hand, a taste of the kind of measures a liberal government would take toward our national defense may find us wondering where our liberty went. There are those who don't have those interests at heart; and if you worry too much about the rights of the terrorists and criminals, you may find yourselves under a much less forgiving, Sharia law.

Today: The Constitution won't mean a hill of beans if we decide to use the International Criminal Court and the guidance of the UN.

Are you, reader, willing to accept that the principles of liberalism described above are right for this country? Are you willing to rest your safety, security, and lifestyle in the tenous arms of the nanny-state? Do you really think Obama has your best interests at heart? If so, then I guarantee with him you get exactly what you ask for and more, whether you end up liking it or not... and then, in another four years, we'll see whether the 'change' he's promised was in the right direction. I think it's not, and won't be, but that's for time history to determine.


As you all have surely heard by now, Colin Powell has endorsed Barack Hussein Obama for President.
In other news, Colin Powell testified on behalf of convicted Senator Ted Stevens of Alaska:
"He was someone whose word you could rely on," said Powell, who self-deprecatingly described himself as the former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff who retired and then "dabbled a bit in diplomacy."

Stevens, on trial for lying about gifts on financial disclosure forms, has the right during the defense portion of the trial to ask character witnesses to speak on behalf of his "truthfulness and veracity." The first such character witness, Sen. Daniel Inouye, D-Hawaii, spoke Thursday. Three others are set to testify on Stevens' behalf but the highest-profile witness, by far, will be Powell.

The former secretary of state said he had known Stevens for 25 years, mostly in the senator's role as the top defense appropriator on the Senate Appropriations Committee. In Stevens, "I had a guy who would tell me when I was off base, he would tell me when I had no clothes on, figuratively, that is, and would tell me when I was right and go for it," Powell said. "He's a guy who, as we said in the infantry, we would take on a long patrol."

Also to be considered is Powell's testimony about Iraq's WMDs in 2003... he was for it, before he was against it:

U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell said his pre-war testimony to the U.N. Security Council about Iraq's alleged mobile, biological weapons labs was based on information that appears not to be "solid."

Powell's speech before the Security Council on February, 5, 2003 --detailing possible weapons of mass destruction in Iraq -- was a major event in the Bush administration's effort to justify a war and win international support.

Powell said Friday his testimony about Iraq and mobile biological weapons labs was based on the best intelligence available, but "now it appears not to be the case that it was that solid," Powell said.

How much is that endorsement worth now?


The history of the Obama tax increase 'barrier':

1 week ago: 'A quarter million dollars a year'

October 24: 'less than 200,000 a year...'

October 28: 'people making under $150,000 a year...'

And so the bar continues to lower, coming right down on Joe the Plumber's head...

Thursday, October 23, 2008


This is the kind of civility we're used to expect from Democrats.

The home of a Central Florida Republican headquarters manager was shot at and damaged because of his support for Sen. John McCain, the man told police in a report from FLORIDA TODAY news partner WKMG Local 6.

Don't expect it to secede after the election; it'll only get louder and meaner, fueled by agitprop and cult of personality.


There couldn't be better timing for this:

Student volunteers from colleges around New York State braved freezing cold temperatures on their bikes Wednesday to send a message to state and federal political candidates: pay attention to climate change.

Can't hear you! Earmuffs!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


I looked up "Kids for Obama Parade" and this is what I got. Creepy, indeed.


... before, during, and after an Obama election victory:

A Lufkin woman received a surprise visit from the Secret Service last week because of a "death threat" comment she reportedly made about Sen. Barack Obama to a campaign volunteer asking for her support of the presidential candidate.

Two federal agents arrived at Jessica Hughes' home Thursday to ask her if she said, "I will never support Obama and he will wind up dead on a hospital floor."

Hughes said her words were deliberately twisted by a volunteer who was apparently unhappy Hughes was rude during a phone conversation the two had. The Lufkin mother, a Republican, said she received a call on her cell phone Wednesday from a woman with the Obama Volunteers of Texarkana.

"She asked if I was an Obama supporter, to which I replied, 'No, I don't support him. Your guy is a socialist who voted four times in the state Senate to let little babies die in hospital closets; I think you should find something better to do with your time.' (And then) I hung up."

First we have children singing for their dear leader; and police repression of free speech in Missouri.... and now, yet another piece of the thugocrat puzzle - citizen informants making false accusations!

Friday, October 10, 2008


Yet Farrakhan calls him the 'Messiah'?

RELATED: Obama: "Oops!"

Thursday, October 09, 2008


.... well, you know the rest. And it's pretty much running rampant

Obama, surely you didn't mean THIS by "Get out the vote!"

Tuesday, October 07, 2008


1. Ties to William Ayers, unrepentant domestic terrorist, former member of the Weather Underground.
2. Ties to ACORN as a 'community organizer'. ACORN has had previous and has current allegations of voter fraud tied to it.
3. Ties to Tony Rezko.
4. Ties to Stalinist Frank Marshall Davis
5. Jeremiah Wright
6. His patriotism is questionable. Far from merely being someone who refuses to wear a flag pin on his lapel, doesn't hold his hand over his heart during the pledge of allegiance, and who would sooner talk to enemies of our nation than members of the opposing political party.
7. Cult-like fanatacism among his followers. See very recent posts for examples of this Christ-like, almost religious adoration.
You go into some of these small towns in Pennsylvania, a lot of them — like a lot of small towns in the Midwest, the jobs have been gone now for 25 years and nothing’s replaced them. And they’ve gone through the Clinton administration, and the Bush administration, and each successive administration has said that somehow these communities are gonna regenerate and they have not. So it’s not surprising then that they get bitter, and they cling to guns, or religion, or antipathy toward people who aren’t like them, or anti-immigrant sentiment, or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations. - Obama, April 6

Chomping down on sausage and waffles at Glider's Diner in Scranton today, with his Pennsylvania BFF (Sen. Bob Casey) at his side, Obama avoided commenting on former President Jimmy Carter's meeting with Hamas.

Asked by a reporter if he had heard that Carter reported a positive outcome from the meeting, Obama looked sternly at the reporter in question and said, "Why can't I just eat my waffle?"

10. Pro abortion, even so far as to vote against The Born Alive Infant Protection Act.
11. No, Barack Obama is a Muslim; rather, he is a Muslim apostate, and thus a target for Islamic extremists.
12. Say goodbye to the tax cuts and 40% taxation rates, the highest since (dare I say it) Jimmah Carter.
13. Supports unilateral disarmament - that's right, he wants ONLY us to disarm.
14. The 'Selma' lie.
15. Rude and sexist comments.
16. Paid off by Fannie Mae.
17. Supports healthcare and driver licenses for illegals (anything to do with the 'motor voter law'
18. Rated the most liberal Senator in Congress via the National Journal.
19. Opposed the troop surge in Iraq, which is working.
20. He scares little girls.
21. Has he forgotten/neglected his half-brother in Kenya?
22. Afraid of his own name.
23. A Che flag flies high in one of Obama's regional campaign offices. Are these the type of people he attracts?
24. Obama was at least at one point affiliated with the National Socialists of America/New Party.
25. He has no interest in boosting the economy; rather, he's in full redistribution socialist mode.
26. To the poor plumber who asked a good question about his taxes:
"It's not that I want to punish your success. I just want to make sure that everybody who is behind you, that they've got a chance for success too," Obama responded. "My attitude is that if the economy's good for folks from the bottom up, it's gonna be good for everybody ... I think when you spread the wealth around, it's good for everybody."

If you punish those who succeed, then nobody will strive to succeed.
27. Some voters are voting for Obama just because... you know... not because of the issues.
28. Obama has close ties with Raila Odinga, who..... well, you can read about his alleged atrocities here.
29. His first act as President (or so he pledged) will be to sign the 'Freedom of Choice' act.
30. He plans to (indirectly) bankrupt the coal industry through carbon regulation.
31. Rude and profane.
32. Aunt Zetuni in Boston.
33. The 'missing' tape of Obama and PLO spokesperson Rashid Khalidi, which could possibly harbor Obama's true sentiments toward the state of Israel.