1. Ties to William Ayers, unrepentant domestic terrorist, former member of the Weather Underground.
2. Ties to ACORN as a 'community organizer'. ACORN has had previous and has current allegations of voter fraud tied to it.
3. Ties to Tony Rezko.
4. Ties to Stalinist Frank Marshall Davis
5. Jeremiah Wright
6. His patriotism is questionable. Far from merely being someone who refuses to wear a flag pin on his lapel, doesn't hold his hand over his heart during the pledge of allegiance, and who would sooner talk to enemies of our nation than members of the opposing political party.
7. Cult-like fanatacism among his followers. See very recent posts for examples of this Christ-like, almost religious adoration.
10. Pro abortion, even so far as to vote against The Born Alive Infant Protection Act.
11. No, Barack Obama is a Muslim; rather, he is a Muslim apostate, and thus a target for Islamic extremists.
12. Say goodbye to the tax cuts and 40% taxation rates, the highest since (dare I say it) Jimmah Carter.
13. Supports unilateral disarmament - that's right, he wants ONLY us to disarm.
14. The 'Selma' lie.
15. Rude and sexist comments.
16. Paid off by Fannie Mae.
17. Supports healthcare and driver licenses for illegals (anything to do with the 'motor voter law'
18. Rated the most liberal Senator in Congress via the National Journal.
19. Opposed the troop surge in Iraq, which is working.
20. He scares little girls.
21. Has he forgotten/neglected his half-brother in Kenya?
22. Afraid of his own name.
23. A Che flag flies high in one of Obama's regional campaign offices. Are these the type of people he attracts?
24. Obama was at least at one point affiliated with the National Socialists of America/New Party.
25. He has no interest in boosting the economy; rather, he's in full redistribution socialist mode.
26. To the poor plumber who asked a good question about his taxes:
If you punish those who succeed, then nobody will strive to succeed.
27. Some voters are voting for Obama just because... you know... not because of the issues.
28. Obama has close ties with Raila Odinga, who..... well, you can read about his alleged atrocities here.
29. His first act as President (or so he pledged) will be to sign the 'Freedom of Choice' act.
30. He plans to (indirectly) bankrupt the coal industry through carbon regulation.
31. Rude and profane.
32. Aunt Zetuni in Boston.
33. The 'missing' tape of Obama and PLO spokesperson Rashid Khalidi, which could possibly harbor Obama's true sentiments toward the state of Israel.
2. Ties to ACORN as a 'community organizer'. ACORN has had previous and has current allegations of voter fraud tied to it.
3. Ties to Tony Rezko.
4. Ties to Stalinist Frank Marshall Davis
5. Jeremiah Wright
6. His patriotism is questionable. Far from merely being someone who refuses to wear a flag pin on his lapel, doesn't hold his hand over his heart during the pledge of allegiance, and who would sooner talk to enemies of our nation than members of the opposing political party.
7. Cult-like fanatacism among his followers. See very recent posts for examples of this Christ-like, almost religious adoration.
You go into some of these small towns in Pennsylvania, a lot of them — like a lot of small towns in the Midwest, the jobs have been gone now for 25 years and nothing’s replaced them. And they’ve gone through the Clinton administration, and the Bush administration, and each successive administration has said that somehow these communities are gonna regenerate and they have not. So it’s not surprising then that they get bitter, and they cling to guns, or religion, or antipathy toward people who aren’t like them, or anti-immigrant sentiment, or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations. - Obama, April 6
Chomping down on sausage and waffles at Glider's Diner in Scranton today, with his Pennsylvania BFF (Sen. Bob Casey) at his side, Obama avoided commenting on former President Jimmy Carter's meeting with Hamas.
Asked by a reporter if he had heard that Carter reported a positive outcome from the meeting, Obama looked sternly at the reporter in question and said, "Why can't I just eat my waffle?"
10. Pro abortion, even so far as to vote against The Born Alive Infant Protection Act.
11. No, Barack Obama is a Muslim; rather, he is a Muslim apostate, and thus a target for Islamic extremists.
12. Say goodbye to the tax cuts and 40% taxation rates, the highest since (dare I say it) Jimmah Carter.
13. Supports unilateral disarmament - that's right, he wants ONLY us to disarm.
14. The 'Selma' lie.
15. Rude and sexist comments.
16. Paid off by Fannie Mae.
17. Supports healthcare and driver licenses for illegals (anything to do with the 'motor voter law'
18. Rated the most liberal Senator in Congress via the National Journal.
19. Opposed the troop surge in Iraq, which is working.
20. He scares little girls.
21. Has he forgotten/neglected his half-brother in Kenya?
22. Afraid of his own name.
23. A Che flag flies high in one of Obama's regional campaign offices. Are these the type of people he attracts?
24. Obama was at least at one point affiliated with the National Socialists of America/New Party.
25. He has no interest in boosting the economy; rather, he's in full redistribution socialist mode.
26. To the poor plumber who asked a good question about his taxes:
"It's not that I want to punish your success. I just want to make sure that everybody who is behind you, that they've got a chance for success too," Obama responded. "My attitude is that if the economy's good for folks from the bottom up, it's gonna be good for everybody ... I think when you spread the wealth around, it's good for everybody."
If you punish those who succeed, then nobody will strive to succeed.
27. Some voters are voting for Obama just because... you know... not because of the issues.
28. Obama has close ties with Raila Odinga, who..... well, you can read about his alleged atrocities here.
29. His first act as President (or so he pledged) will be to sign the 'Freedom of Choice' act.
30. He plans to (indirectly) bankrupt the coal industry through carbon regulation.
31. Rude and profane.
32. Aunt Zetuni in Boston.
33. The 'missing' tape of Obama and PLO spokesperson Rashid Khalidi, which could possibly harbor Obama's true sentiments toward the state of Israel.
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