The SmarterCop - New!

Friday, September 25, 2009


The folks over at The Corner grab a relevant quote from Speaker Pelosi:

"An Iran with nuclear weapons is simply unacceptable. It is a threat to the region, to the United States, and to our allies across the globe. Iran must take the necessary steps to demonstrate its willingness to live as a peaceful partner in the international community. And we must use the tools at our disposal — from diplomacy to sanctions — to stop Iran's march toward nuclear capability."

Can you imagine what Iran's saying now?

"OMG! Sanctions! Anything but SANCTIONS!"

Um, earth to Nancy? Sanctions haven't stopped anything since the Tehran Hostage Crisis. Why would they work now? Our emasculation is complete.


Obama knew this!

And what has he done about it?
What now? Are we still going to threaten to shoot down Israeli planes?
I'm seething.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Obama gives his UN speech.

Saying the United States will work with Russia to reduce its strategic warheads through an update of the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty, Obama pledged to move to ratify the Test Ban Treaty, work with others so that "nuclear testing is permanently prohibited." begin negotiations in January on a treaty to end fissile material production and host a summit in April that reaffirms each nation's responsibility to secure nuclear material on its territory.

"Those nations that refuse to live up to their obligations must face consequences. This is not about singling out individual nations -- it is about standing up for the rights of all nations that do live up to their responsibilities," he said, then adding "the governments of North Korea and Iran threaten to take us down this dangerous slope."

"I am committed to diplomacy that opens a path to greater prosperity and a more secure peace for both nations if they live up to their obligations. ... But if the governments of Iran and North Korea choose to ignore international standards ... then they must be held accountable."

OK let me see if I have this. WE start disarming, and if people decide to disarm, then we threaten them with.... what? Singling them out? Pointing the finger?

Friday, June 12, 2009


It's just so like the liberal talking heads to try to pin us to some wacked-out neonazi going on a killing rampage at the Holocaust museum. And it's not like they stop there, as explicitly demonstrated by Paul Krugman this morning:

Back in April, there was a huge fuss over an internal report by the Department of Homeland Security warning that current conditions resemble those in the early 1990s — a time marked by an upsurge of right-wing extremism that culminated in the Oklahoma City bombing.

Conservatives were outraged. The chairman of the Republican National Committee denounced the report as an attempt to “segment out conservatives in this country who have a different philosophy or view from this administration” and label them as terrorists.

But with the murder of Dr. George Tiller by an anti-abortion fanatic, closely followed by a shooting by a white supremacist at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, the analysis looks prescient.

Paul's beginning to rev the engine of rhetoric, and I'm ready now for him to try to connect these two dots. Are you?

There is, however, one important thing that the D.H.S. report didn’t say: Today, as in the early years of the Clinton administration but to an even greater extent, right-wing extremism is being systematically fed by the conservative media and political establishment.

Now, for the most part, the likes of Fox News and the R.N.C. haven’t directly incited violence, despite Bill O’Reilly’s declarations that “some” called Dr. Tiller “Tiller the Baby Killer,” that he had “blood on his hands,” and that he was a “guy operating a death mill.” But they have gone out of their way to provide a platform for conspiracy theories and apocalyptic rhetoric, just as they did the last time a Democrat held the White House.

Gasp! Shock and awe! Good Lord, are we conservatives raving lunatics or what?!
Really, Paul, get a grip. I don't think it was even a year ago that the buffoons in liberal society were taking the same kind of shots, though I dare say in far worse taste, than the few opinioneers we have.

Sandra Bernhard, for instance, said "The real terrorist threats are George W. Bush and his band of brown-shirted thugs."
Danny Glover called Bush a "racist."
There was even a movie gleefully imagining the assassination of President Bush.

And Paul's dismayed that people actually vent their opinions? I repeat, Paul, GET. A. GRIP. That racist monster who shot the security guard in DC? He was an alleged 911 truther. He was a holocaust denier. I'd like for Paul to name names.. Mr. Krugman, name ONE of those people you blast in the article who denies the holocaust. Name JUST ONE who shows antipathy for Jews and the state of Israel... because you know as well as the rest of us that liberals have been alone (and I find this highly ironic because a lot of liberals are Jewish themselves) in coddling anti-Semitic rhetoric and policies.
See, just calling people Fascist doesn't make them so.... word games won't work with the American people for long, Mr. Krugman. Neither will you and your cohorts' attempts to throttle free speech for the sake of a few nutjobs.. and your use of this tragedy for shameless political gain. It's abhorrent, ghoulish, and despicable.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


I might as well start now, and strike while the iron's hot, so to speak. I've always believed Obama to be a Carteresque liberal, but never so much an incompetent as he's truly turning out to be before our eyes. Both domestically and in the international arena, gaffe after stupendous gaffe is causing people to wonder, "Whatever happened to The Saviour?" Feet of clay, my friends. Rush's expressed hope that Obama would fail is so far not realized with this administration; rather the success of buffoonery is destroying many of our nation's once-sturdy pillars of truth and strength.

Here's the list of what's happened so far:

  • A $787 billion 'stimulus' package laden with pork and special interest earmarks.
  • The thorough and obvious dissing of British prime minister, including but not limited to: the ungracious return of the Winston Churchill statue given to President Bush to England; the failure of the White House to arrange suitable regalia for the joint press conference; the ineptness in choosing a thoughtful gift to present the Prime Minister; and the verbal diminishment of the significance of British-US relations ("Nothing special about Britain" - what?!?!?!?).
  • Reversal of the Bush administration's ban on embryonic stem cell research.
  • The all-out attack on Rush Limbaugh.
  • Making excuses for poor judgment calls, saying he's "Overwhelmed" or "tired"... in just the first 7 weeks?!?!
  • A $410 billion omnibus spending bill, which fortunately so far has not made it out of congress.
  • Conflicts of interest, ethics lapses, and corruption among Obama's unvetted cabinet nominees.
  • "Moderate" Taliban.
  • His consorts' efforts to censor any criticism.
  • He gave Islamists what they wanted in Iraq - troop drawdowns.
  • The disarming of commercial pilots.
  • Three letters: A. I. G. And he CAN'T pin this one on Bush.
  • More diplomatic sharpness: He misspelled Brazil's president's name (Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva)
  • Charging veterans for medical care for their injuries (?!?!?!?!)

More to come, I'm sure!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


From Metafilter today:
"The government of the United States is in no sense founded on the Christian Religion." ~ George Washington / "I do not find in Christianity one redeeming feature." ~ Thomas Jefferson / "The Bible is not my book, nor Christianity my religion." ~ Abraham Lincoln / "A just government has no need for the clergy or the church." ~ James Madison / "I believe in an America where religious intolerance will someday end... where every man has the same right to attend or not attend the church of his choice." ~ John F. Kennedy / "We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers." ~ Barack Obama

Interesting, but...

"Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, religion and morality are indispensable supports . . . And let us indulge with caution the supposition that morality can be maintained without religion . . . Reason and experience both forbid us to expect that national morality can prevail to the exclusion of religious principle." - George Washington, 1787, addressing the Constitutional Convention. Hey, wasn't that the group who helped form our government, genius?

"I hold the precepts of Jesus as delivered by Himself, to be the most pure, benevolent and sublime which have ever been preached to man..." - Thomas Jefferson

"Before any man can be considered as a member of civil society, he must be considered as a subject of the Governor of the Universe. And to the same Divine Author of every good and perfect gift [James 1:17] we are indebted for all those privileges and advantages, religious as well as civil, which are so richly enjoyed in this favored land." - James Madison

"I believe the Bible is the best gift God has ever given to man. All the good from the Savior (Jesus) of the world is communicated to us through this book." - Abraham Lincoln.

Friday, November 14, 2008


It begins with incidents like this, and escalates.

Derogatory remarks toward President-elect Barack Obama made on a social networking Web site are now the subject of an internal police investigation.

So - of course it would clearly depend on what kind of remarks were made, but isn't it a bit over the top for the city to go snooping into what kinds of political remarks one makes on one's private website?

So what were the remarks? Did they justify such an investigation? Can we expect more of this sort of recrimination in the future?

Tuesday, November 04, 2008