The SmarterCop - New!

Monday, November 13, 2006


Hopefully it's not too long to keep the country from unraveling completely. But there are dismal signs on the horizon.

- Democrats have confirmed what we've been saying about them all along, saving their honesty until after the election (typical, ain't it?) - they most certainly do plan to cut and run from Iraq, or at best, leave our military severely shorthanded in the region. Yes, folks, this was their sorry excuse for a 'plan' all along.

- Robert Rubin, former Treasury Secretary under Bill Clinton, hopes he has the ears of the Dems when he says, "You cannot solve this nation's fiscal problems without increased revenue." Translation: It's time to raise your taxes. Never mind the economic boom, the low unemployment, the stock market records, and the (gasp) shrinking deficit. Time to jack the American people up again for more cash. How much cash? John Kartch at Americans for Tax Reform estimates the average American will have to give up another $2,000 if the tax cuts President Bush passed are rolled back.
For Democrats, the idea of 'tax reform' is just that: Tax re-form.

- Dems seem poised to give the terrorists that foothold they need - the ability to conduct covert communications without being discovered.

- Meanwhile, our enemies Surveil us covertly without any fear of repercussions.

- Expect Dems to pay back the illegal immigrant favors.

- Two of the left's favorite words: expand and regulate. They will be doing so with full force and gusto. Regulate fuel usage. Expand FHA loans. Regulate natural resources exploration. Expand the minimum wage. Regulate free trade. Expand government health care. Translation: Increased spending, higher taxes for you and me.

Am I concerned? Absolutely. I have strong doubts about whether our country can erase the irreparable harm that could very well be caused during the next couple of years by a Democratic legislature.

Friday, November 10, 2006


Want to bust a gut? Check Jim Treacher's take on the political situation. And by God, don't forget to read the comments... among the gems:

Personally, I'm fond of the Democrats who even today are saying "We need a new plan for Iraq."

Ok, you've won. What's the new plan?

am pretty surprised myself. I thought we were supposed to be running a highly efficient fascist regime here. And now, we can't even win an election? I mean, I've read all the research. What happened with suspending the electoral process? Why is constitution still in effect? What about our plans to declare martial law? Suspend Congress? We are doing none of it. And I was looking forward to coronation, too. Bumer.

No more homeless! No more AIDS! No more drug problem! No more war! We'll all live in gingerbread homes with chocolate graham cracker roofs, sleeping on cotton candy pillows and dreaming marshmallow fluff dreams, as the orange cream moon shines through our sugar glass windows!

"Bitter much?"

I guess he WANTS this post to be bitter so badly he has to pretend that's what he sees. Sorry, fella. You're confusing this group with the LEFT after a loss.

You know that dimple on Nancy Pelosi's chin? That's not a dimple, it's her navel. The woman is one more face-lift away from looking like Abe Lincoln... Or maybe Vladimir Lenin.

The irony of posting on the internet about how AmeriKKKa was being turned into a fascist police state never seemed to sink in.

Bush. Worst Hitler Ever. I have high hopes for Hillary though; kinda Hitlery, kinda Nixony, very Bitchy.

.... and then there's the Kos-ites, pushing us into utopia:

G.O.P. a 'regional party?' What a beautiful concept. If we could confine the neo-virus into a few corners of the country, we'd be well on our way to a healthy America.

Hate fascism, you say?

that I'm already sick as s**t of this overhyped "progressive vs. centrist" revisionism going on here.

Clearly some progressives won Tuesday, and clearly some progressive issues (pro-choice, gay unions) did surprisingly well in some conservative places.

But I think it's also pretty clear that America votes for Democrats who do not scare them by carrying the perception of being too far left.

Can't we just have the proverbial Democratic big tent and stop this silliness?

We won, and are in an excellent position to consolidate those gains in '08 if we play our cards right.

What, a few days in and you're already quibbling (and this in a discussion on how to divide Republicans. ROFL.)

Not all republicans are bigots, but all bigots are republicans.

And the esteemed senator from West Virginia, Robert Byrd, he is.... what?

--and we've got laboratories to work out new policies around the country.

America... the Democrats' new pet project.

This country belongs to us. The Congress belongs to us, not to either party, not to the president.

They serve AT OUR PLEASURE!!!!!

WE give them direction and CORRECTION when necessary.

WE are in charge and the more WE use OUR POWER, the more they will get the message and learn to behave themselves.

Urm... was that the F word again?

There is the matter of a corporate owned Main Stream Media forever lending support to the corporate owned Republican Party.

Make that a capital F.

Friday, November 03, 2006


Hat tip the Corner's acute readers:

"The unemployment rate fell in October to 4.4 percent from 4.6 percent
in September. It was the lowest unemployment rate since 4.3 percent in
May 2001 and was likely to fan concerns that labor markets are growing
tight and could contribute to inflation pressures."

I forget, is it "no news is good news", or "no good news is news"?


Simply awesome post....

I've only got one thing to add. I find it interesting that unbelievers consistently look at us Christians as wanting to force our beliefs on them. Yet, I look at their methodology and practices, and realize we're only doing what they've been doing as well: stand up for what we believe. Only, in their eyes, we're wrong for doing so. We're wrong for standing up for the lives of the innocent and helpless, wrong for turning our backs on moral perversion.... it's an upside-down world!

Anyhow, brothers and sisters, that's why it's ever so important to remember that you're carrying with you Christ's message; whenever people see us stumble and fall, it's not just us or our church or even Christians we're hurting. It's those who Christ loves and longs to see in eternity with Him, and that's much more grievous than any perversion I can imagine.