The SmarterCop - New!

Tuesday, May 23, 2006


Imagine, if you well, a local public school. This particular school decides to conduct a new and highly controversial 'cultural studies' program. This particular program is an experiment in religious role playing.

The students start and end each day with a vocalized word of prayer by the teacher or a designated student.

Students are encouraged to memorize Scripture verses, the Ten Commandments, and the names of Jesus' 12 disciples.

Readings of various well-known Bible stories, with a question and answer session afterwards.

Holding a one-week "fast" of television, a particular food, sports, or something important in the students' lives.

Studying the culture and customs of the Holy Land in Jesus' day, and holding special events to commemorate Christmas and Easter.

What would be the reactions of parents if this were to happen? The school board? The media? The chances would be almost overwhelming that there would be a public outcry about the "separation of church and state" and "keeping God out of the classroom".

So why is there a double standard when it comes to the exact same proselytizing occuring in our classroom - only in this case, for Islam?

What we have is an approved culture of hate - but only, it seems, for the Judeo-Christian community and traditions. This mind control is working its way downward to our schools, where our children are learning to embrace sharia and despise Christ.

Is it really coming to this? Is it going to be this easy for Islamists to infiltrate our nation and conduct a 'bloodless revolution' with our young people? We have kids kneeling prostrate to Mecca yet can one even pray aloud at their graduation? Perish the thought.

Wake up, America. Our ancestors' blood was not shed for us to be infiltrated and conquered from within.

via Michelle Malkin et. al.


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