The SmarterCop - New!

Friday, May 19, 2006


This is ridiculous. So much for energy independence. The House may as well have waited in line at the local gas station to the screw the consumer directly.
Let's go over the basics very briefly. There's SUPPLY and DEMAND. When demand is up and supply is down, prices go up. When the contrary is true, prices go down. It's that simple. The government, short of regulating us out of our cars, can't do a whole lot about demand.... but it CAN nudge supply along by exploring new areas where there's thought to be a lot of oil! And who are us Floridians to think that we have the right to a NIMBY attitude at the expense of everyone? Heck, even Beverly Hills has its own oil well! Are we forgetting the 'sacrifice' part of the equation?


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